Show Archive – Deepak Saini

This show originally aired on October 25, 2023. On this show I talk with Deepak Saini about reversing the effects of aging.

This show originally aired on October 25, 2023. On this show I talk with Deepak Saini about reversing the effects of aging.

About Deepak Saini

Deepak Saini guides people in reversing the Effects of Aging. Having spent many stressed out years in the corporate world and overcoming an autoimmune condition, back injury and lifelong battle with obesity, Deepak brings a unique perspective to working with his clients. When not spending time with his family, Deepak is researching and staying at the forefront of emerging and cutting-edge health research. Deepak is a speaker, writer, podcast and summit host and is actively working on becoming a Centenarian.

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